Losing the baby weight didn't come easily to me. When I was pregnant with my first, everyone assured me that breast-feeding was the magic cure for losing weight after baby...but no matter what, I couldn't lose the baby weight or the tummy poach. So many of my friends had gone back to their slender selves after babies while breastfeeding...but not me. It was hard to see them and not struggle with jealousy.
I thought there must be something wrong with me...but then I learned that other moms also struggled with weight loss during breastfeeding but as soon as they stopped breastfeeding, they were able to finish losing the weight. So I tried that too.
No matter how much I avoided sugar and grains, ate healthy at home, and even worked out, I could not get under 143 lbs after I was done breastfeeding my third baby. My goal weight was 120 lbs...my pre-pregnancy weight. But those 20 lbs seemed determine to stay forever and ever. They didn't want to budge.
Finally I was done. I knew I had to try something else to get my body to let go of this extra fat. At the beginning of 2020, I decided to focus on losing the weight for the entire year.

This was my plan.
- Do intermittent fasting (from noon - 8)
- Eat as healthy as possible (avoid processed sugar, avoid eating tons of grains or dairy)
- Not guilt myself if I ate a cheat meal
- Do a colon cleanse (Tried but it didn't work the way I wanted it to)
- Exercise 10-15 minutes a day
- Drink NingXia Red every day
- Get enough sleep
- Let go of stress and emotions holding the weight on
- Use my weight loss oils
Let me tell you, 2020 is not the easiest year for letting go of stress and emotions. ;) I did well at exercising during the beginning of the year...but then I fell off the bandwagon with that. But I was still able to lose weight! Exercise is not actually the most important piece of weight loss.

The two things that made the biggest difference in my weight loss journey was intermittent fasting combined with my weight loss oils. My weight loss journey would not have worked without these two things in combination.
I didn't always do intermittent fasting perfectly. Some days I had waffles with my kids. You have to give yourself grace. But one morning of cheating, doesn't mean your whole weight loss plan is ruined. You can start again the next day. The important thing is to cheat way less than you do it right. So don't just let yourself eat whenever if you are really trying to lose the weight.
The beauty of using oils during intermittent fasting is that they make it SO much easier and they increase the speed at which you lose weight while helping your body not to lose the weight too quickly!
Peppermint Vitality essential oil helps to suppress your appetite so you don't feel like you are starving all morning long!
It also aids in a healthier digestive system!
Lemon Vitality essential oil helps detox your body which is key because fat stores toxins in your body so you want to make sure they actually get out of your body when you are losing weight or they will just end up in fat again.
Grapefruit Vitality essential oil helps your body burn fat quicker! It could be my favorite!
And Ocotea essential oil helps balance your blood sugar so you don't crave sugar as badly! Balanced blood sugar levels also encourage your body to let go of weight it is holding on to.
I would put a couple drops of each into a capsule with 4-6 drops of pure virgin olive oil and take it once a day. You can take this capsule up to 2 times a day. There is no way I would have lost weight without this step! It made a dramatic difference! I lost weight all over my body but definitely in the areas of my stomach, hips, and thighs the most.
The NingXia Red also helped with sugar cravings as well as healthy weight management and helped me have lots of energy through my day!

As of writing this blog, I have lost 20 lbs and am just a few pounds above my weight loss goal! I feel so much more confident in my body even though I still have a tummy poach. I know that doing more tummy safe exercises will help tone this area of my body but it is also natural to still have a slight pooch after having kids...so I've accepted that this is where my body may stay but I am still going to work on getting stronger! If my tummy pooch disappears as I heal my diastasis recti and tone that area, I'll be happy but if not, I'm still happy!
If you are wanting to try this weight loss capsule, let me help you get the right oils for the job that are safe for internal usage! You do not want to get oils for your weight loss journey from the grocery store because they are contaminated with pesticides, weed killers, carcinogenic solvents, and other stuff. If you want to get good results, it's important to use the highest quality oils. I’m excited to walk with you in your journey! Let me know if you’re going to try this, and I’ll cheer you on!
Check out this page for more ways to use essential oils to support your health!
xo Rachelle <3
P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you take care of yourself and your family:
1. Grab a free copy of my guide
With 5 baby steps to a healthier pantry...you'll actually start enjoying eating healthy food more than junk food with these tips! When you read step #2, you'll understand exactly why you've always struggled to eat healthy! —Click Here
2. Join From Exhausted To Energized: Helping exhausted moms find emotional, physical, and financial freedom
It’s my new Facebook community of fearless mamas healing together — Click Here
3.) Come to a free educational class
To learn more about how to use oils safely and get the most benefits from them, come to one of my FREE online classes...no purchase necessary. To see the events planned for this month - Click Here
4.) Check out my brand comparison guide
There are so many different brands of essential oils. How do you know which one to choose? - Click Here