This is our story...I know that this is a very controversial subject but I just ask one thing of you...that you come with an open mind. What my husband has experienced from vaccines is not normal and his story is important.

There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety. We need studies on vaccinated populations, based on various schedules and doses, as well as individual patient susceptibilities that we are continuing to learn about. No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge. Vaccine policy should be the subject of frank and open debate, with no tolerance for bullying. There are no sides - only people concerned about the well-being of our children.Dr. Bernadine Healy, former director of National Institutes of Health
None of us want our children to suffer with that occasional cold, much less something more severe like mumps or whooping cough. So we want to protect our children from disease and I understand that...if it were as simple as vaccinate your kids and they will be safe from disease...then of course, everyone would do it and it would make sense to do so! In past generations, many people died horrible deaths from the diseases that we currently vaccinate against...but there were a lot of other things that played into their deaths that no one mentions such as issues with sanitation, clean water, and poor nutrition. We really must look at the whole picture.
Now we have much worse diseases that have no cure or are very difficult to diseases, autism, and cancer to name a few.
More than 54% of American children are suffering from one or more chronic illnesses, with the late 1980s and early 1990s viewed as the gateway period that launched the decline. Autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies have doubled since that time, with autism now one in 34 children in some regions. Pediatric autoimmune conditions are also on the rise, and the proportion of public school children using special education services is estimated at 13% to 25% of school populations. Mounting evidence indicates environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides as the principal culprits, while studies link vaccines and toxic vaccine ingredients to a wide range of adverse health outcomes, including seizures, neurodevelopmental disorders, and infant death. As the medical, public health, and government circles remain silent on the social and economic fallout from these toxic exposures, American children have never been so sick. Source
Why was there a noted decrease in infant deaths during the coronavirus with 200 lives saved per week? The biggest thing that changed was that their well-child visits were delayed. Source (pg 9-10)

I am asking why. And you should be too.
My husband was fully vaccinated in the marine corp...and when we got married, he wanted to vaccinate our kids. But the more we talked about it, the more I learned about what vaccines had actually done to his health.
After receiving all the vaccines the first day of boot camp, he was SIQ for 2 whole days...this means Sick In Quarters where you are literally quarantined to your bed. Being SIQ in bootcamp is pretty much UNHEARD of. You are never supposed to be quarantined to your bed in doesn't matter how sick you are, you are supposed to keep up with the training...They were worried that he wasn't going to be able to make up the training and finish bootcamp since he has SIQ for 2 whole days. That's how bad his vaccine reaction was. That's not normal.
After that initial vaccine reaction, he had bronchitis for OVER a YEAR. That's not normal.
There was a new vaccine that was tested on him and a bunch of other marines...
He never saw a bunch of those marines ever again after getting that nasal flu shot with them. They just disappeared...and he wasn't allowed to ask about them. I'll let you guess what might have happened to them. That's not normal.
The very fact that they test untested vaccines on our military should be considered criminal. These are our finest men and women who give their lives for our country...not for pharma.
After we were married, he was diagnosed with Celiac, an auto-immune disease...Auto-immune diseases are triggered by vaccines because of the amount of inflammation that has to build up in the body to build up an immune response to the antigen in the vaccine. This is why there are adjuvants like mercury and thimerosol in vaccines along with the antigen. I personally know other adults who were perfectly healthy until they got one vaccine around their teenage years and now they will forever deal with worse auto-immune conditions than my husband has. We are lucky he only has Celiac. I just pray that he doesn't get cancer or another auto-immune disease because of his messed up immune system.
Here's my question...
If this is the reaction of a perfectly healthy and strong adult to vaccines, why do we think that giving them to infants who are far more sensitive is a good idea?

The tagline that vaccines are "safe & effective" for everyone is a lie and I must stand for truth. There are people who are genetically predisposed to have an adverse vaccine reaction and yet no doctors have stood up for their patients and told them to get a DNA test before deciding whether a vaccine is a good choice for that person or not.
Medicine is not a one-size fits all.
I will never judge another mom who chooses to vaccinate her kids. It is not my place to decide what is right for every child except my own! I fully understand that everyone comes to vaccines with different perspectives and different medical histories. I completely respect that. I want every mom to have the choice about when and how she decides to vaccinate her children. Do you know the right questions to ask your doctor? Grab my free guide here, and see my top 5 questions every parent should ask before vaccinations...#4 might shock you!
xo Rachelle <3