Are you READY to embark on a healing journey to break free from your past, release trauma from your body, and finD freedom in Christ?!

With this program, you will learn how to gently release past traumatic circumstances that are keeping you stuck. You will also gain skills & techniques on how to release emotions from your body for physical healing. In addition, you will have new tools that will help you process stressful circumstances in your daily life quickly and effectively. You will experience redemption from spiritual strongholds that have kept you stuck in bondage.

It's time to transform… for yourself. Your spouse. Your marriage. Your children. 
Your generational impact.
Your future.

Only 10 spots available for the fall cohort! 

Doors close on September 30th!

A guided 3-month transformational journey for Christian women who are ready to break free from their past, release trauma from their body, and find freedom in Christ.

👉 Feel safe in your relationship with your heavenly Father so that you can fully trust Him with your present & your future
👉 Connect in a loving & compassionate faith-based community of women healing together

👉  Process traumatic or negative memories without having to talk about them so that you don’t have to relive the past 

👉 Calm your nervous system so that you can handle your triggers and not overreact to your kids or family as often

👉 Overcome people pleasing tendencies to feel more confident in who the Lord says you are 

👉 Learn how to release emotions stored in your body for more energy & better health

You're going to learn how to break free from your past, release emotions from your body and find freedom in Christ!
This could be the answer you've been looking for...

  • Be guided through a step-by-step process to find healing 
  • Process past trauma & negative circumstances 
  • Be in community so you don’t have to heal alone 
  • Release emotions stored in the body that are causing health issues
  • Reduce tension & stress to feel calm & relaxed 

All of this is now possible

Are you ready to break free, feel joy, & Be present in your daily life?

It is possible and there can be hope after hurt.

That's why you need this 3-month guided transformative journey. 

You can't do it on your own. You've tried that. You need an experienced guide to save you from wasting your precious time.

I will walk you through the same process I have used to help bring transformation to myself & other women.

Don't waste any more time or money on surface level healing. 

Talk therapy, gut healing supplements, breathing exercises, & tapping can only help so much.

It's time to go deeper. It's time to find & process the roots of your struggles.

What Clients Are Saying About Finding Hope After Hurt

Finding Hope After Hurt
This program offers a transformative journey that will guide you towards:

  • Gentle Release from Past Trauma: Let go of the pain that's been holding you back. Our program provides safe and supportive methods to release negative experiences and regain your emotional well-being.
  • Body-Mind Connection: Discover the powerful link between your emotions and physical health. Learn techniques to release trapped emotions from your body, promoting overall healing and vitality.
  • Stress Management Mastery: Equip yourself with practical tools to navigate stressful situations with calm and clarity. You'll learn to process daily challenges effectively, taking back your peace and resilience.
  • Spiritual Freedom: Be set free from spiritual strongholds that have held you in bondage for far too long. You will learn how to ask the Lord to redeem these areas of your life & bring you true freedom in Christ. 
This is about transformation. 

In this program, you will have the tools and support you need to rewrite your story and live a life filled with joy, peace, and purpose.

Are you ready to begin your journey?
Here's what you'll find inside the "Finding Hope After Hurt" program.

3- Aroma Freedom GROUP sessions 

(Each session valued at $120)

During these sessions you will be guided on a journey of discovering past memories that are keeping you from moving forward.

You will be able to release and reconstruct past memories using a combination of clinical techniques and essential oils. 

These sessions will help you feel more happy & relaxed. 

The essential oils needed for these sessions will be in your welcome packet that will receive when you join the program. 

3- Aroma Wisdom GROUP Sessions

(Each session valued at $120)

Are you unable to experience joy fully, expecting it not to last? Do you anticipate the worst at any given time? Your worries and concerns about the future do not have to sabotage your present! 

During these Aroma Wisdom sessions, you will be guided on a journey of releasing your fears about the future so you can fully trust God in the present.  

You will process worry & concern about future possible events with clinical techniques and essential oils so you can feel safe in God's hands & His plans for your future.

The essential oils needed for these sessions will be in your welcome packet that will receive when you join the program.

3 - Mindset group coaching sessions 

(Each session valued at $120)

Your negative thoughts and beliefs do not have to run rampant and hold you back from enjoying your life.

During the Mindset & Life Coaching sessions, you will be guided to find the thoughts that are triggering you and holding you back. 

You will learn techniques to help you coach your own brain and manage your thoughts.

BONUS: Welcome gifts

$100 value

A beautiful guided journal with prompts to dig deeper into your healing & vials of 5 emotional healing essential oils with travel case.

BoNUS: 1 Advanced Mind Body Spirit Release Session

$150 value

One one-on-one session with me to release emotions from organs, scar tissue, hormones, neurotransmitters, detox pathways, or events with Mind Body Spirit Release.
What is Mind Body Spirit Release?
Mind Body Spirit Release is a way to tap into your body to find where emotions are being stored that your body wants to release from organs, scar tissue or the spine & 
then deactivating those emotions from the nervous system.

Bonus: 3 Special Workshops

$150 value

Every month, we will have one extra session together to spend more time digging deeper into topics such as how to release emotions from organs, healing your money stories, & evaluating thoughts you have about different areas of your life.

Bonus: 1 Spiritual Stronghold session 

FREE (Not because it isn't valuable but because I believe the Lord doesn't want me to charge for these sessions.)

We will find & pray into spiritual strongholds that the Enemy is using to bring you guilt & shame, asking the Lord to speak His truth & light into them. This session will help you experience the freedom that comes from living as a new creation in Christ.

Bonus: 2 Bonus Courses 

$150 value

These two courses will walk you through do-it-yourself aromatherapy techniques to calm your nervous system on a daily basis as well as information on the different essential oils and how they can support your emotions.

There are only 10 spots in this very personalized group program for the fall co-hort! 
Don't miss out on this opportunity to start 2025 as a healthier and healed you!

Don't Let Your Past Steal Your Future...

Every unhealed emotion is a ticking time bomb. The longer you wait, the more layers you accumulate & the deeper the ruts from negative thoughts get, making the healing journey longer & harder. 

Mental breakdowns and mid-life crises aren't just dramatic plot points. They're the painful culmination of years of ignoring your emotional well-being. Don't risk your relationships, your career, or your sanity by waiting for a crisis point.

Your body keeps the score. Unprocessed emotions manifest as physical problems. You could be spending thousands of dollars and countless hours treating symptoms instead of addressing the root cause.

Denial is a dead-end street. Pushing your past away won't make it disappear. Eventually, your body will force you to stop – with adrenal fatigue, crippling anxiety, or a debilitating illness.

Why wait for your life to be put on hold? 

Start your emotional healing journey today

Invest in yourself, and watch every aspect of your life flourish – your relationships, your health, and your overall happiness.

Don't wait for the breakdown – choose the breakthrough.

Here are more things you can expect along your healing journey with "Finding Hope After Hurt".

👉 Release pent-up emotions inside so that you can feel more calm & relaxed
👉  Heal your nervous system to be able to handle stressful situations when they arise with grace & ease 

👉 Get to the root of why you are engaging in unhealthy habits so that you can show up as the mom you want to be 

👉 Heal your negative mindset & beliefs around money that are keeping you stuck in scarcity so that you can feel abundant 

👉 Conquer feelings of self-doubt & worthlessness so that you can show up as a confident wife & mother 


You've never seen anything like this before

This isn't just like a coaching program. This goes far deeper. 

You will learn how to:
👉 Heal negative or traumatic memories in your brain
 👉 Use my exclusive method for releasing emotions from organs in the body with essential oils
👉 Pray into the spiritual strongholds that your enemy, the devil, loves to bully and shame you with
👉 Heal the money thoughts that are keeping you stuck financially
👉 Renounce spiritual vows covering spiritual strongholds

In just 3 months, you can transform your mind and health. Say goodbye to stress, overwhelm, and the fear of the future. Embrace peace, clarity, and a positive outlook that allows you to thrive.

As a certified Aroma Freedom practitioner, a Mind Body Spirit Release Practitioner, & a certified Mindset & Life Coach, I can help you.

I know...because in four years, I've had my own transformation and healing journey through narcissistic domestic violence, emotional abuse, & spiritual abuse.

These results are waiting for you...

 Plan 1 

Two payments of $489.50

TWO paymentS of: $439.50

👉 Welcome gift mailed to you
👉 Live group sessions with replays
👉 A private community forum off Facebook
👉 Lifetime access to all the course material
👉 1 Free Spiritual Stronghold session 

 Buy now! 

Plan 2

 Three payments of $326.33

Three PAYMENTs OF: $293.99

👉 Welcome gift mailed to you
👉 Live group sessions with replays
👉 A private community forum off Facebook
👉 Lifetime access to all the course material
👉 1 Free Spiritual Stronghold session 

 Buy now! 

Plan 3

 Four payments of $244.99

Four PAYMENTS OF: $219.99

👉 Welcome gift mailed to you
👉 Live group sessions with replays
👉 A private community forum off Facebook
👉 Lifetime access to all the course material
👉 1 Free Spiritual Stronghold session 

 Buy Now! 

What Clients Are Saying About Finding Hope After Hurt

Got questions before you get started?

We've got answers!

Will this be private & personal even though it's in a group setting?
Although we will be working in a virtual group setting, everyone will be working individually on their healing. You are not required to have your camera on during the session on Zoom. You are not required to share within the group sessions if you're not comfortable. You will be able to message me privately on Zoom with your responses when prompted.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to me.
When does it start?
We will begin the "Finding Hope After Hurt" program on October 7th at 6 pm MST where we will have a Kick Off & Introduction call to get to know each other.  Sessions will be held on Mondays at 6 pm MST through December 16th. (No call will be held the week of Thanksgiving & we will end the week before Christmas.)
​How much time will it take?
The program is only an hour to an hour & a half of committed time per week...this program will collapse your healing journey so that you don't have to spend years figuring it all out on your own.

What if I can't make it to the live sessions?
Each session will be recorded, and you can find the recordings in the app. You can follow along with the recording to do the same session.
What essential oils do I need?
You will receive all the oils you need to participate in the program with your payment! In your welcome gift, you'll get vials of the Memory Release Blend, Release, Inner Child, SARA, and Believe essential oils along with a travel case!
When does registration close?
Registration for the “Finding Hope for Hurt” program closes on September 30th at 11:59 PM MST.
​I'm interested but I can't afford it…
I know it's scary to invest in yourself. I've been's not comfortable. But it's the only way I've healed. I've invested THOUSANDS in my healing. It has been scary... but I knew I HAD to heal to stop the generational trauma.

I created this program for women to be able to have not only a healing community but also a more affordable way to work with me and the modalities I use in a group vs one-on-one sessions. I can help you get the breakthroughs you need in a group setting because it's still very personal and customized to what you need.

This could save you thousands of either therapy bills or physical health tests for a health issue caused by stored emotions.

I wanted to make this very accessible for as many women as I could so you can split the payment of $879 over either 2, 3, or 4 months. That covers all 9 group sessions, 2 spiritual stronghold one-on-one sessions, 3 Advanced Mind Body Spirit Release one-on-one sessions & more!
Here's what will happen once the doors officially open!
Once you complete your registration in September, you'll get:
👉 Welcome gift mailed to you
👉 Live group sessions with replays
👉 A private community forum off Facebook
👉 Lifetime access to all the course material
👉 One on One Sessions that you can schedule right away

 Plan 1 

Two payments of $489.50

TWO paymentS of: $439.50

👉 Welcome gift mailed to you
👉 Live group sessions with replays
👉 A private community forum off Facebook
👉 Lifetime access to all the course material
👉 1 Free Spiritual Stronghold session

 Buy now! 

Plan 2

 Three payments of $326.33

Three PAYMENTs OF: $293.99

👉 Welcome gift mailed to you
👉 Live group sessions with replays
👉 A private community forum off Facebook
👉 Lifetime access to all the course material
👉 1 Free Spiritual Stronghold session

 Buy now! 

Plan 3

 Four payments of $244.99

Four PAYMENTS OF: $219.99

👉 Welcome gift mailed to you
👉 Live group sessions with replays
👉 A private community forum off Facebook
👉 Lifetime access to all the course material
👉 1 Free Spiritual Stronghold Session

 Buy Now! 

You will walk away with...
Tools, skills, and techniques for effectively releasing emotions...which will mean you will feel able to access
👉 Joy 
👉 Calm
👉 Relaxed
On a more regular basis!

And you will notice:

👉 You will be able to manage your thoughts and emotions 
👉 Your energy has improved & your body is working better
👉 You won't be stuck in fight or flight any more

This is what's waiting for you!

This is for you if...

  • ready to process negative memories
  • ready to release stored emotions
  • ready to dig into the roots of your pain
  • ready to feel calm & free
  • READY to become who God made you to be!

This is NOT for you if You're...

  • looking for instant healing
  • not willing to dig in & ask questions
  • expecting a silver bullet
  • not being coachable
  • thinking it won't take any work

Final call
why wait???

Holding onto hurt makes it difficult to move forward and experience joy again. It makes it challenging to fully trust God. It affects your relationships with your family & friends.

If you could have done this on your own, you wouldn't be here.

How much more time do you want to let pass before you start releasing stored emotions & trauma from your body & mind?

Copyright Rachelle Nelson