That old adage "opposites attract" never proved more true then when you find yourself married to a spender when you are a saver or vice versa. If you have had a marriage anything like ours, the biggest argument and relationship struggle is usually over money...what to do with it...where to spend it.
Trying To Budget
When I first got married, I had no debt and I followed Dave Ramsey's advice of putting cash into envelopes to budget. But my husband was opposed to carrying around cash and didn't like that idea at all. For a very long time, he dug in his heels about doing any budgeting at all! But finally, I convinced him it was important and so we sat down and we laid out our budget. We figured out exactly how each paycheck could fit into our different budget categories...

I felt like I was suffocating.
Something had changed...that someone was me. I was so unhappy. I thought something was terribly wrong with me...I thought that I must not love my girls enough...otherwise I wouldn’t feel so stuck being at home with them. Why didn’t I love the dream I used to have? The guilt was debilitating. I believed the lies that the enemy whispered in my ear...that I wasn’t enough...and I became more and more depressed.