You can save and share any of these graphics on this page to invite your friends!
Here are some videos you can also share with your friend when you send them an invite so they can see if it is something they want to check out. Use whichever one you like best!
Know someone who is always tired? Doesn't sleep well? Is sick a lot? Invite them to learn about NingXia Red! You just might change their life! It changed mine!

This event is a zoom class that is also live-streamed to the FB event. You should be able to see it from both places as long as the technology works! Join the Zoom link for best results!
Event Link on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2734442836810454
Go directly to the zoom class here: https://zoom.us/j/6118648011?pwd=WGtQOW9USEFQM1JxSzRJaVdZZXdsZz09
Meeting ID: 611 864 8011
Meeting password: learning
Know someone who wants to learn more about oils? This class is quick and fun but full of awesome education on oil safety and usage!

This event is a zoom class that is also live-streamed to the FB event. You should be able to see it from both places as long as the technology works! Join the Zoom link for best results!
Event Link on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1244219792600879
Go directly to the zoom class here: https://zoom.us/j/6118648011?pwd=WGtQOW9USEFQM1JxSzRJaVdZZXdsZz09
Meeting ID: 611 864 8011
Meeting password: learning
Want to learn more about what health issues the hidden chemicals could be causing in your health and what to do about it? Learn how you can make your home safer!

This event is a zoom class that is also live-streamed to the FB event. You should be able to see it from both places as long as the technology works! Join the Zoom link for best results!
Event Link on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2786843848239871
Go directly to the zoom class here: https://zoom.us/j/6118648011?pwd=WGtQOW9USEFQM1JxSzRJaVdZZXdsZz09
Meeting ID: 611 864 8011
Meeting password: learning
Curious how we get paid to play with oils? Come find out! No obligation required!

This event ALL on Facebook. Join at the link below!
Event Link on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3408797875880917
Hey girl, with all this crazy virus stuff going around, taking care of your health has never been more important and I'm going to a fun zoom call on _____ to learn more about how we can support our bodies to boost our immune systems and stay above the wellness line with essential oils and supplements, would you like to come with me? You could win a giveaway too!

I used to hate exercise...I mean H.A.T.E. it. Even though I knew it was good for me and important for my health!
Fit2B changed my perspective of exercise so that it became a joy, not a burden. It changed my view of my body and what I expected it to look like after a baby and helped me have more grace towards myself and a new confidence in my post-partum body. And it helped me on my journey to healing my diastasis recti....
Creating a capsule wardrobe has simplified my life and made shopping for clothes fun & easy again! It also gave me back my confidence because I actually just had the clothes that looked good on me hanging in my closet! You'll be amazed at how good you feel when you create your own capsule wardrobe!
I hope this series is a blessing to you!
Your home is your safe space...
I hope this short blog series on decluttering will help you in your journey to a simplified life <3

Check out all the options here and choose which is right for you!