When we spoke with our integrative medicine doctor to get a second opinion on Phillip's narcolepsy symptoms, he told us that he could help and that healing was entirely possible. He promised us that he would stop at nothing to find the answers that we needed.
He had given us back hope.
Read more...When Phillip was diagnosed with Celiac, he was also diagnosed with leaky gut. Leaky gut is a condition where the lining of the intestines has small holes in it, allowing bacteria and other toxins from inside the intestines to leak into the bloodstream. About 90% of Americans have leaky gut...most have no idea that they have this digestive issue. While Celiac is un-cureable as far as we know right now, Leaky gut can be healed!
This is what we did!
We were the typical American family...ordering Pizza Hut on our movie nights, going out to eat at Freddy's for a hamburger or McDonald's.
My husband, however, was having a health crisis. He was in tons of pain in his entire body ALL the time. He got headaches and migraines at least once a week. His digestive system was very unhappy all the time. He had a terrible time sleeping. Honestly, he was miserable. He was so miserable that he would tell me at least once a month as a newlywed that he was sure he was going to die young because he didn't think his body would hold up...
I was desperate for answers...
I had tried everything.
I had tried therapy. I had tried oils. I had even tried Splankna.
All these things helped a little...
But I still could not escape.
I couldn't escape the words spoken over me as a child that were holding me back from being successful in my own mindset. I couldn't escape the negative memories surrounding my children. I couldn't escape the anger and frustration simmering inside that came from who knows where. I literally had tried to let go of any bitterness or anger in my heart and I didn't feel like I was actually holding on to it...but it was holding on to me...
Read more..."There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety. We need studies on vaccinated populations, based on various schedules and doses, as well as individual patient susceptibilities that we are continuing to learn about. No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge. Vaccine policy should be the subject of frank and open debate, with no tolerance for bullying. There are no sides - only people concerned about the well-being of our children."
Read more...This is our story...I know that this is a very controversial subject but I just ask one thing of you...that you come with an open mind. What my husband has experienced from vaccines is not normal and his story is important...