Birthing Supplies
The majority of midwives I know give you a list of things to have on hand for your homebirth. Generally, they also give you a homebirth kit that comes as a part of their midwife fee. A birthing kit generally contains items like:
- Cord clamps
- Sterile gloves
- Mesh underwear
- Plastic-backed pads of different sizes to keep everything clean
- Other basic medical supplies
Other birthing supplies that your midwife will have you collect around your home and keep in a place for them to find when you go into labor are things like:
- 2 fitted bed sheet to fit your bed
- 2 flat bed sheets to fit your bed
- 4 bath towels
- 4 washcloths
- 8 receiving blankets
- Unopened bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide
- Clothes for the baby (2 pairs of socks or booties, 2 onesies, 2 sleepers)
- Diapers for the baby
- Crockpot for warming up washcloths
- Unopened bottle of Rubbing Alcohol
- Flashlight with new batteries
- 4 large trash bags
- Plastic drop cloth or plastic sheet like a shower curtain
- Duct tape
- Thermometer
- Feminine pads
- Underwear
- Hospital bag packed in case of transfer
- Food and snacks for yourself, husband, and midwives
What To Pack In Hospital Bag
- Comfortable nightgown that you can breastfeed in
- Comfortable clothes
- Nursing bra
- Nursing Pads for leaky boobs
- Underwear
- Feminine pads
- Warm socks
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Lotion
- Chapstick
- Baby clothes (2 onsies, 2 sleepers, 2 pairs of socks or booties)
- Your ID
- Medications list
- Medication you need
- Credit card or small amount of cash
- Birth plan
- Cell phone and charger
- Glasses or contacts with contact solution
- Breastfeeding cover and pillow
- Going home clothes
- Pillow if you are particular about the pillow you want
- Flip-flops
- Car seat installed and ready to go
Food for Labor
It used to be common to keep a laboring mom from eating during labor but this actually can negatively impact a laboring mom if she has a longer labor by keeping her from replacing the energy she is losing during labor. Having some easy to digest foods that are also going to help boost energy levels is a wonderful way to keep a laboring mom happy!
Here are some of my favorite snacks to have on hand during labor and after birth! Let your body guide you...some of these things may sound great before labor but during labor, they don't sound good. That's ok! That's why its good to have a variety of things on hand.
Food To Have On Hand
- Almonds or cashews
- A fruit smoothie
- Energy Bars (one with fruit and without lots of sugar recommended)
- Dark chocolate chips
- Frozen grapes or berries
- Fruit popsicles
- Greek yogurt (without a lot of sugar)
- Applesauce (no sugar added)
- Cheese, meat and crackers
- A spoonful of honey
- Soup for husband and midwives to heat up and eat
- Special cookies or dessert to celebrate having your baby!
Drinks To Have On Hand
- Water
- Electrolyte mixes (without a lot of sugar)
- NingXia Red for boost of energy
- Orange juice
- Grape juice
- Raspberry leaf tea
- Champagne or wine to celebrate having your baby!
I'd love to hear if there are other favorite snacks or drinks that you would add to this list!
I know these lists may seem overwhelming but the comfort of having your baby at home is worth it! It won't take you long at all to gather everything you need. Just stick all your birthing supplies in a clothes basket and have your snacks for labor in a special spot in your cupboard so your midwife and birthing partners can find everything you need during labor! Your baby's birth is going to be amazing!
xo Rachelle <3
P.S. Grab a free copy of my guide
With 8 ways to ease the pain of natural childbirth...these are all the things I wish I had known and used with my first and second natural births! —Click Here