I was actually 16 when I first heard of essential oils...and what I really want to know was, "do they really work as well as they say they do?"

With my first pregnancy, I tried everything for heartburn...I tried apple cider vinegar, I tried calcium, I tried not eating spicy or acidic foods...nothing worked...

It didn't look the same at all. I didn't recognize myself. Gone was the slender waist. Now I had stretch marks all across my thighs and hips. And no matter what, I couldn't lose the baby weight or the tummy poach.
So much had changed externally but also internally. So many things that I had enjoyed doing my entire high-school and college years weren't things that I felt like I enjoyed any more.
I felt like I had lost myself.
When I gave birth to my first baby girl, I was in the hospital and my baby had gotten stuck so they were in a hurry to get her out...they used a vacuum and basically forced her out too fast. That resulted in a terrible 3rd degree tear that I had to get 18 stitches for. First time ever needing stiches....and I do not recommend needing them down there. Haha
The healing process after that birth was brutal. It hurt to sit or do anything...
I thought I was broken for life.