How I Discovered the Power of Oils

 I was introduced to essential oils WAY before they become the fad that they are today. Today you can find oils in practically every store and there are hundreds of different brands.

I was actually 16 when I first heard of essential oils...and what I really want to know was, "do they really work as well as they say they do?"

Finding A Solution For My Pregnancy Heartburn

I'm only 5'2" I thought that having unbearable heartburn during pregnancy was just the normal thing for me...until I figured out that it wasn't...

With my first pregnancy, I tried everything for heartburn...I tried apple cider vinegar, I tried calcium, I tried not eating spicy or acidic foods...nothing worked...


How I Finally Lost the Baby Weight

Losing the baby weight didn't come easily to me. When I was pregnant with my first, everyone assured me that breast-feeding was the magic cure for losing weight after baby...but no matter what, I couldn't lose the baby weight or the tummy poach. So many of my friends had gone back to their slender selves after babies while breastfeeding...but not me. It was hard to see them and not struggle with jealousy...

Finding Confidence Again After Babies

Finding Confidence Again After Babies
My Post-Partum Body

It didn't look the same at all. I didn't recognize myself. Gone was the slender waist. Now I had stretch marks all across my thighs and hips. And no matter what, I couldn't lose the baby weight or the tummy poach.

 So much had changed externally but also internally. So many things that I had enjoyed doing my entire high-school and college years weren't things that I felt like I enjoyed any more. 

I felt like I had lost myself.

Healing A Tear

 My First Tear
When I gave birth to my first baby girl, I was in the hospital and my baby had gotten stuck so they were in a hurry to get her out...they used a vacuum and basically forced her out too fast. That resulted in a terrible 3rd degree tear that I had to get 18 stitches for. First time ever needing stiches....and I do not recommend needing them down there. Haha

The healing process after that birth was brutal. It hurt to sit or do anything...

Healing Incontinence After Babies

Have you ever sneezed and then peed yourself? Have you ever jumped on a tramp and your bladder gave out? Maybe you were running after your toddler in the parking lot, and you just couldn't hold it like you used to...some of us have even had issues with bowel about embarrassing and frustrating... 

I thought I was broken for life. 

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