Getting Babies To Sleep

Are you having trouble getting your baby to fall asleep? I know that feeling...I don't know if any of these tips will help your baby but if even one will help, I wanted to share them with you <3 Here are 7 tips to help your baby sleep peacefully...


Getting A Zyto Scan

 The Zyto Balance is an incredibly useful tool to understand what is happening in your body in a snapshot, It may sound strange but our bodies are full of electrical currents and cells communicating with each other via electricity. Communicating back to the body with electrical frequencies can tell you some amazing things! Check out what a Zyto scan can tell you! 

My Experience With CBD

I never thought I'd be one to try CBD. It seemed like such a fad! I had no idea what the big deal about it was. 

As I started learning about it, I came to understand that CBD is not marijauna and actually can't make one high. I also learned that we have receptors for CBD in our entire body called the endocannabinoid system and that using CBD actually can bring the body into a state of homeostasis, or balance! I was quite fascinated by the science I was learning and I thought CBD might be something I'd like to try at some point.

Our Results From Going Toxin-Free

 Since the other "natural" products I was using weren't actually toxin-free (even though I thought they were!), I wasn't seeing any results from being toxin-free until I switched to the REAL toxin-free, plant-based products. Once I had actually changed everything over, it took time for our bodies to detox from all the other junk we had been using for years and years...

But then we started noticing little changes that turned into big changes. What was truly surprising to me were the results we had after going completely toxin-free... 

Our Toxin-Free Journey

 We were the typical Americans buying the Dawn dishsoap and Tide laundry detergent...thinking nothing of buying Soft Soap hand soap...even thinking we were going nontoxic by buying Mrs. Meyers Multipurpose cleaner instead of the 409 cleaner! Maybe we were not so different from you right now! 

The Science of Essential Oils

First, understanding the science is crucial to understanding why the quality of an essential oil matters so much to the efficacy (or effectiveness) of the oil. I highly recommend truly understanding the science of how oils work because you will have a far better understanding of how powerful oils are and how you can truly harness that power to change your health! 
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