Preparing For My Second Birth
As you already know if you have read about my first birthing experience, my planned homebirth turned into a hospital birth. All things considered, I was just very thankful that I had my healthy baby girl and that I was still able to have her vaginally even though it wasn't the ideal set of circumstances! When I found out I was pregnant with my second, I wanted to plan another homebirth because I had really liked being able to labor at home for most of my labor with my first baby.
Scared About Labor?
Are you expecting your first child and you're scared or nervous about your first birthing experience? I remember those feelings well. I was so scared, nervous, and afraid of the pain before my first baby and I wanted to share with you my first birth experience and all the things I learned from it because I want to speak life and encouragement into that place <3

These symptoms are taken from the book "Tongue-Tied" by Richard Baxter, DMD, MS.