You can tell that someone is a mouth breather in two ways: (she pointed these out on Phillip!) they usually have lines or grey under their eyes. They also have white edges on their teeth.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 2 ways I can help you take care of yourself and your family:
1. Grab a free copy of my guide

No really! I want you to think about this!
Do you hear about something you really want to try for your health but you also know you don't have the money and so you say either out loud or in your head, "I don't have the money for that" or "I can't do that"?
I write down other big wishlist/needs too. I make a list with all the things. Even if some of them feel really impossible or unrealistic. And I prioritize which things are the most important even if they are more expensive than something else.
So for example, this is what my list from a couple years ago looked like...
Kettlebells - $45
Phillip's cavities filled - $900
Phillip's tongue revision - $1200
Scarlett's tongue revision - $600
Aurora's lip tie revision - $600
PT for Diastasis Recti - $100 an appointment
Whole house water filter - (didn't know what brand or price point)
Digital Piano - $5000
The crazy thing is that when you leap in feet first, you are even more motivated to find that money and pay that purchase off your credit card and you will figure out how to do that!
If you really really want something for your health, you are going to figure out how to get it. Nothing will hold you back. Stop telling yourself you can't afford it and instead start telling yourself that you will purchase that thing at some point and then figure out what you need to do to make it happen.

Studies conducted by Weber State University (1997) showed the antibacterial effectiveness of this blend against airborne microorganisms. One study showed a 90% reduction in the number of Gram-positive Micrococcus luteus organisms after diffusing Thieves for 12 minutes. After diffusing Thieves for a total of 20 minutes, there was a 99.3% reduction. Another study with the Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed a kill rate of 99.96% after just 12 minutes of diffusion. Talk about mind-blown!

To make the multi-purpose/light degreaser dilution, add 1 capful of the Thieves Household Cleaner (THHC) to a 16 oz spray bottle or 2 capfuls to a 32 oz spray bottle.
Here are some of my favorite recipes for Thieves Household Cleaner to make amazing fall scented cleaners to clean your home with!

P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 2 ways I can help you take care of yourself and your family:
1. Grab a free copy of my guide

Test #1 - The Freeze Test
Test #2 - The Filler Test
Take a piece of cotton rag typing or drawing paper and drop one drop of the same type of oil, like Lavender, from a few different brands. Make sure they are all of the same listed species, such as Lavender angustifolia. Draw a pencil circle around each drop after each drop has fully infiltrated the paper and label it with the brand name or leave the bottle at the top of each drop.
If you use the pencil mark method of labeling, be careful that your pencil mark does not come into contact with the oil drop. Check the paper often. If it dries within the hour and leaves no residual mark, then it is laced with an alcohol as filler. If it takes a while to dry but then leaves a slight stain, then it is laced with carrier oil as a filler. If it takes around 4 hours to dry and leaves no residue whatsoever, then it is most likely pure. However, this is not a definitive test on purity, as some chemicals will dry clear too. It is really just a test to give out if there is alcohol or carrier oil used as fillers.
Test #3 - The Personal Usage Test
Find something you love to use essential oils for. It may be something simple, like helping support your airways from possible histamine responses. It may be that you want some joint support to help ease symptoms of inflammation. Find the one that is something your body will feel instantly.
One idea is to apply a drop of peppermint to one side of your neck and apply a drop of another brand of peppermint to the other side of your neck and time how long you feel the cooling sensation on your neck. The longer it lasts, the more effective that oil is.
20 Questions to call and ask an essential oil company:
#2. Do they distill their oils using solvents? If so, which ones?
#3. Do they distill their own oils or purchase from third parties?
#4. Do they bottle their own oils?
#5. Do they own their own farms?
#6. Do they provide the seeds to the farmers?
#7. Do they know what pesticides are being used?
#8. Do they know if the ground is organic?
#9. Do they discard any mistakes or are they resold to other companies?
#10. Can you visit the farm to see how the oils are made and take a tour?
#11. Are the distillation drums cone shaped or dome-shaped at the top?
#12. Do they test each essential oil batch for purity?
#13. Is testing done in-house only or do they also do third-party testing?
#14. Do they have any trained aromatologists on staff?
#15. Do they test their oils side by side with oils from other companies?
#16. Do they test for when the peak harvest Time is?
#17. Do they ever have to recall their oils?
#18. Do they recommend to NOT ingest their oils?
#19. How many single, non blend essential oils do they carry?
#20. What sustainable practices are in place for their global footprint?
If you do not understand why these questions are ones you should ask, I highly recommend reading the book I linked above or this book by Dr. Doug Corrigan: "Innoilvation - The Science of Producing Powerful & Safe Essential Oils".
P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you take care of yourself and your family:
1. Grab a free copy of my guide
with 5 questions to ask your doctor about vaccines and discover why these questions are important so you can make the most informed decisions for your family. (#4 might shock you!) —Click Here
2. Join From Exhausted To Energized: Helping exhausted moms find emotional, physical, and financial freedom
It’s my new Facebook community of fearless mamas healing together — Click Here