Here are all the answers to common questions about 
Subscribe & Save! 

We have something similar to Stitch Fix where you can grab whatever you want each month for your home and your health!

How much do I need to spend on Subscribe & Save monthly to qualify for earning points back and free gifts? 
The minimum order size is 50 PV which is essentially $50. However, at different promo tiers, you do earn more free oils! Check out this picture! 

Young Living is incredibly generous. They give us FREE product just for buying the things we want and need for our families. And the more we purchase, the more they pile on the goods.
I got all of this FREE in 2019, just for ordering things our family uses, like oils, Thieves cleaners, supplements, shampoo, body gel, toothpaste, makeup... FREE, you guys. Totally blows my mind. AND, I also got 1,107 points to spend on anything else I want or need! (For those who don’t know what points are, it’s pretty much the same thing as $, that we exchange for product.)
Mind blown. 
And the points are because I order on Subscribe & Save. When you do a One-Time Purchase you don’t qualify for points back, but you qualify for free products starting at a 190pv order (ER orders start bringing in the free at 100pv).

So...tell me again why you aren't on Subscribe & Save?!

What does PV mean? 
PV means Point Value. Since Young Living is an international company, PV is how they determine the amount of points you can earn back on a certain product. For most products (in the US), PV = $ amount. For example, a 15ml bottle of Lemon costs $11.50 and it is also 11.50 PV. There are a few products that do not have equal PV for $ amount like diffusers or some brand new products but about 95% of the catalog is PV = $. 

How do I change my Subscribe & Save order?
Log in to your account by clicking on "My Account" in the top right corner. Once you've logged in, when you hover over "My Account", you'll see a button "Subscriptions". Click that button to manage your subscriptions. You can update the frequency of any items on your subscribe and save list (every month, every 2 months, or every 3 months), skip that item for the month, or delete it.

If you do not change your Subscribe & Save template, you will get the same products you ordered the month before. It is designed like this because many people order certain supplements every month so that way, if you just want to get the same supplements, you don't have to redo your order every month. 

You will receive an email reminder, reminding you to change your order before it is processed but you might also just want to put a note in your phone to remind you! Subscribe & Save process on the morning of the date that you chose to process it at 12:00 AM MST. 

How do I add items to my order?
Search for the product you wish to purchase and then click "Subscribe". Now when you go to your subscriptions, you can manage that product and choose the frequency of that subscription item.

Can I change my Subscribe & Save date? 
Yes! You can usually change it to any day after the current day of the month you are in as long as you haven't ordered in that month yet! If you have already placed your subscription order in that calendar month, you can move it to any date for the next month. 

Can I process my order without moving my subscription processing date? 
Yes! You can process it manually without changing your Subscribe & Save order processing date for future months! Just go to "Subscriptions" and scroll down, then click "Process Now" on the right side of the page. 

This is what I do every month...I have it set for the 3rd of the month but I usually process it manually on the 1st because it always processes quicker than most other days of the month and I am sure not to miss out on any promos! Sometimes, really good promos run out depending on how many people order at that PV level so I make sure to place my order in the beginning of the month to make sure I get all the promos!

Once you click "Manually Process" for that month, you will not be able to click it again until the next month. That way you don't accidentally double-process your order!

Can I use my Loyalty Rewards points on my subscription order?
No, you aren't able to use the Loyalty Rewards points that you have earned towards a subscription order but you can place a One-Time Purchase and use all your Loyalty Rewards points for free things there! When you search a product, you will know you can redeem it with points if it tells you a point price. If it doesn't list a point price, then you cannot purchase it with points.

Can I get free shipping?
YES!!!! I am so excited about the free shipping! Whenever you place a Subscribe & Save order or a shop order with 100PV or more as long as it is under 70lbs :) you can get economy shipping for free! I think it's pretty hard to get to 70lbs! LOL 

In order to get free shipping, make sure to select "Economy shipping" when asked to choose your shipping! You can change your shipping method on the "Subscriptions" page on the top right of the page.

Can I get free shipping on a shop order? 
Yes! Just make sure that if you want free shipping for a shop order that you have 100pv above any of the products that you are planning to redeem Loyalty rewards points for. If you are placing a shop order using all Loyalty rewards points, you will get all the products for free but you will pay for shipping as it is no longer a 100PV order.

How do I earn 25% back in points on my ER orders?
So the earning tiers work like this:
Your first 1-3 months on Subscribe & Save you earn 10% back in points! 
Once you start your fourth month on Subscribe & Save, you start earning back 20% in points!!! It's awesome! 
Once you hit 24 months of being on Subscribe & Save, you start earning back 25% in points!!! It's seriously the BEST THING EVER! 

  1. You will not lose your accumulated points unless you completely remove all items from your subscription.
  2. You will reset your earning percentage to 10% by not ordering each month.
How can I earn free oils on ER?
Such a fun question! This is my favorite thing about Subscribe & Save besides getting points back! 
For your first year that you are on Subscribe & Save, you get 4 free oils, no matter what PV level you order at as long as you always place the minimum of 50PV.

After your 3rd month, you get a 5ml of Peppermint Vitality!
After your 6th month, you get a 5ml of Thieves!
After your 9th month, you get a 15ml of Tea Tree!
After your 12th month, you get a special blend called Loyalty with some of Young Living's most expensive oils and this is a blend that you can only get when you are on Subscribe & Save. 

On your Subscribe & Save anniversary every year after, you always get a bottle of Loyalty!

You can also get additional free oils that are related to your Subscribe & Save PV! These oils change on a monthly basis which is super fun! It's like Christmas!

You always get 2 additional free oils at the 190PV level, 3 at the 250PV level, and at least 4 at the 300PV level! Young Living is super generous with their promo oils and they are often some of the more expensive oils that I wouldn't always have room for on my subscription! So it is a wonderful way to build your oil collection while investing in toxin-free products, NingXia Red, and supplements! 

What are credits?
If you have credits, you will see them directly to the right-hand side of your Loyalty Rewards points! Credits can come to your account in for the form of a paycheck or as a gift from someone in your upline! If you are receiving a commission but it is less than $25, Young Living will give it to you in the form of a credit...or someone in your upline might have gifted you credit which is basically the same thing as a Young Living gift card!

What is the differences between credits and loyalty rewards points and how they can be used?
This is such a great question. Loyalty rewards points can only be used towards "Shop" orders, while credits can be used towards either a "Shop" order or a subscription order. If you use credits towards a "Shop" order, they can be used to cover shipping even which you cannot use loyalty rewards points for. Credits basically work the same exact way as cash. You can redeem your credits with your Subscribe & Save order.