Healing A Tear

 My First Tear
When I gave birth to my first baby girl, I was in the hospital and my baby had gotten stuck so they were in a hurry to get her out...they used a vacuum and basically forced her out too fast. That resulted in a terrible 3rd degree tear that I had to get 18 stitches for. First time ever needing stiches....and I do not recommend needing them down there. Haha

The healing process after that birth was brutal. It hurt to sit or do anything...

Healing My Diastasis Recti

When I was pregnant with my first baby, my midwife mentioned Diastasis Recti in passing and I didn't really think much of it. I should have looked it up or asked more questions but I was too overwhelmed already... All my midwife told me about it was that I should roll out of bed instead of sit up straight. I didn't really understand what she was trying to tell me but as the pregnancy progressed, I started rolling out of bed instead of sitting up straight. 

But by then the damage had been done. 


My Pregnancy With NingXia Red!

The month I decided to start drinking NingXia Red was also the month I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd! I had decided to start taking NingXia Red after getting sick a ton during the winter and feeling EXHAUSTED. I was over IT! I was SO tired of being sick and tired!

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