How I Finally Lost the Baby Weight

Losing the baby weight didn't come easily to me. When I was pregnant with my first, everyone assured me that breast-feeding was the magic cure for losing weight after baby...but no matter what, I couldn't lose the baby weight or the tummy poach. So many of my friends had gone back to their slender selves after babies while breastfeeding...but not me. It was hard to see them and not struggle with jealousy...

Healing Incontinence After Babies

Have you ever sneezed and then peed yourself? Have you ever jumped on a tramp and your bladder gave out? Maybe you were running after your toddler in the parking lot, and you just couldn't hold it like you used to...some of us have even had issues with bowel about embarrassing and frustrating... 

I thought I was broken for life. 


Healing My Diastasis Recti

When I was pregnant with my first baby, my midwife mentioned Diastasis Recti in passing and I didn't really think much of it. I should have looked it up or asked more questions but I was too overwhelmed already... All my midwife told me about it was that I should roll out of bed instead of sit up straight. I didn't really understand what she was trying to tell me but as the pregnancy progressed, I started rolling out of bed instead of sitting up straight. 

But by then the damage had been done. 


Free Fit2B Routines

I used to hate exercise...I mean H.A.T.E. it. Even though I knew it was good for me and important for my health! 

Fit2B changed my perspective of exercise so that it became a joy, not a burden. It changed my view of my body and what I expected it to look like after a baby and helped me have more grace towards myself and a new confidence in my post-partum body. And it helped me on my journey to healing my diastasis recti....