What I Learned About Tongue-Ties

 When my youngest baby girl was born, we learned that she had a tongue tie...Little did I know that tongue-ties could affect far more than breastfeeding...This is what I learned about tongue-tie revisions...

Other Symptoms of Tongue-Ties in Older Children & Adults

Tongue tie issues do not simply effect breastfeeding. They can continue to cause issues well into adulthood. These are some symptoms to look out for at different stages.

These symptoms are taken from the book "Tongue-Tied" by Richard Baxter, DMD, MS.


What Happened When My Daughter Got Parainfluenza-3

I wanted to share my story of how I became a truly empowered mom. This is the story of what happened when my 8 week old baby girl got Parainfluenza-3...

Getting Babies To Sleep

Are you having trouble getting your baby to fall asleep? I know that feeling...I don't know if any of these tips will help your baby but if even one will help, I wanted to share them with you <3 Here are 7 tips to help your baby sleep peacefully...

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