Pregnancy & Birth
Let's chat all things pregnancy & birth!
I'm only 5'2" I thought that having unbearable heartburn during pregnancy was just normal for me...until I figured out it wasn't!

I had no idea how good drinking superfood would make me feel during pregnancy!

Are you expecting your first child and you're scared or nervous about your next birthing experience? 

Here's a list of helpful things for homebirth, hospital birth, and food to have on hand!

These are 8 things I wish I had known about with my first natural birth! What if natural birth could be easier?

The best thing I've discovered for preventing tears...and what I wish I had done differently. 

There are chemicals that will affect our great-grandkids...they are called forever chemicals.

Have you had your baby? Here is what I wish I had known about post-partum care and recovery.

Struggling with nursing, getting your baby to sleep, or taking care of your baby? 


A Little About Me
Four years ago, I caught 9 colds in 12 months. I was sick, tired, and stressed all the time with anxiety and depression. 

I wasn't the mom I wanted to be; the mom guilt was crushing...

Then I found a new way of living...I even found healing from emotional trauma from my past. I finally feel free!

Now I want to help other moms who are in the same sinking boat as I was in, find hope, health & vibrant living  <3