Post-Partum Care
Let's chat all things post-partum!
Preventing or healing a tear...this is what happened with my two third-degree tears. 

Have you ever sneezed and then peed yourself? Have you ever jumped on a tramp and your bladder gave out? I thought I was broken for life.

Grab my free guide with 5 exercises that helped me strengthen my pelvic floor!

Diastasis Recti? What is that?
And here's how you can heal it...

Looking for a natural solution to your hormonal balance? Progessence Plus might be the answer you are looking for.

Do you struggle with mom brain? Being tired all the time? Headaches? Learn these 7 subtle signs of toxicity...


A Little About Me
Four years ago, I caught 9 colds in 12 months. I was sick, tired, and stressed all the time with anxiety and depression. 

I wasn't the mom I wanted to be; the mom guilt was crushing...

Then I found a new way of living...I even found healing from emotional trauma from my past. I finally feel free!

Now I want to help other moms who are in the same sinking boat as I was in, find hope, health & vibrant living  <3