For years, I felt stressed, tired, and sick. When I got married, I was working 2 jobs and taking college courses for my bachelor's degree. But I got awful colds all the time. 

One year, I was sick 9 out of 12 months of the year. It was terrible. I got pregnant with my first baby girl and battled awful heartburn that destroyed my teeth. I had a lot of issues with high blood pressure, exhaustion, huge amounts of stress, depression, and anxiety. 

Then my husband was diagnosed with Celiac and our little world turned upside down. We had to completely overhaul our food choices...we had to read every single label, or my husband might have an agonizing night of laying on the floor in the fetal position. No more going out to eat at Pizza Hut or bringing home lots of processed was the start of something big...
Going debt-free
We wanted to do debt-free so we decided to move into a fifth-wheel and live on my in-laws property with our two girls (at the time) for a few years so we could save up for a house. We de-cluttered over 2/3 of our belongings and it felt so freeing. Living in an RV with less stuff helped me learn how important it was to simplify my life as a mom.

Looking for answers
Meanwhile, I was navigating a world of healing post-partum after 2 pregnancies. I was struggling with pelvic floor dysfunction and diastasis recti. Everyone always talked about how post-partum women always pees their I thought it was normal! 

Turns out that although it is common, it is NOT normal, and I learned that there was something I could do about it! Life didn't need to be lived with incontinence pads any body was capable of healing!

A shocking discovery
Then my husband started to complain about his hands hurting after washing dishes...and we started to wonder what was on the labels of the other things we were bringing into the home...the dish soap, the hand soap, the cleaner... 

I started to research and what I learned shocked me to the core. I began our toxin-free journey and ditched the blue dish soap...and life hasn't been the same since! Our health has never been better! We have energy, I don't have mom brain any more and we haven't been to a doctor for a cold in over 2 years! 

Finding emotional freedom
I was struggling with depression and anxiety...I wasn't the mom I wanted to be. I was searching for a way to find freedom from my past. I tried individual counseling, marriage counseling, and even splankna...they helped some but I knew there was something deep inside that they weren't touching.

Then I found Aroma Freedom...and I found freedom from the negative memories that were holding me back. I can't even explain the lightness I felt in my heart after one particular session of Aroma Freedom. I felt like I could practically jump into the sky and fly. It was like the chains that had been holding me back were broken. I was finally free.

After experiencing the life-changing benefits of Aroma Freedom, I became a certified Aroma Freedom practitioner so I could help more moms find emotional freedom like I did. 

Now  I wake up every morning passionate to share what I've learned with more moms. 

I'm on a mission to help a whole lot of people break free and empower themselves with the knowledge and resources I've worked so hard to get myself. I want to empower other moms to simplify their lives, live toxin-free, to feel empowered to take control of their health. I want to help you find your confidence again, let go of emotional trauma and reach your goals whatever they may be. 

Come join our group of fearless women and learn how you can find health & freedom with the knowledge and information we share in our exclusive community. Life is a gift and I'm so thankful I have the health to enjoy it. You can too and all it takes are baby steps. 

I'm so glad we are on this health journey together. I hope you find encouragement and support here to take your health in your hands. I'm here for you, momma! <3