My Favorites

Exercise Essentials
These things are my favorite exercise tools to use for my diastasis-recti safe exercises every morning. 
You don't need a lot of exercise equipment to get fact, you don't need either of these when you use the Fit2B exercise program! 
However these exercise essentials add a nice variety for beginners! 

This diastasis-recti online home fitness has dramatically changed how I view my body and exercise, It is the only exercise program I've ever enjoyed...and that's saying a lot! To check out some FREE routines, click below!

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These resistance bands are great for some of my favorite routines from Fit2B and allow you more variety in your exercise routine options!

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This 5 lb kettle bell is perfect for moms with a diastasis recti, like me, to work up to lifting bigger weights safely!

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Wellness Essentials
These are the things I use daily as a mom to support my children's bodies and mine!

This oils kit has all my favorite oils for everyday use! I use these oils daily for many things including tummy pain, muscle aches, immune support, sleep support, emotional support and more!

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I love this powdered Vitamin C because it is very concentrated and it works really well for boosting my children's immune systems during the winter months or reducing the length of a cold. 

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This tincture is great for little kids who can't swallow pills. I use this to boost my kid's immune systems when they seem like they are coming down with something but not to be used daily.

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Pantry Essentials

I love this collagen powder because it has barely any taste at all and I can use it in cold and hot things without any weird texture issues! I love it in smoothies!

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When we went sugar-free in our home, this coconut sugar was a life-saver! It tastes like brown sugar but without the high glycemic index! I use this in baking and cooking recipes 1-to-1.

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These gluten-free noodles taste AMAZING...even cold!!! If you've ever had gluten-free noodles, you know that's a trick! I love these noodles for pasta salad, macaroni, and spaghetti!

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Home Essentials

I use this mop with just 2 capfuls of my cheap plant-based cleaner and mop my whole floor! It's inexpensive & works great!

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This makeup case is wonderful because you can remove the dividers or place them wherever you need to in order to organize your makeup!

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The Hot Logic Mini has been a life-saver for my husband's lunches since he has Celiac and many food allergies. This way, he has a delicious warm lunch wherever he goes! 

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